Sean Marte


Sean Marte

Mechanical Engineer

Jenmar Concepts Inc.


Sean Marte had the pleasure of working in the Renewable Resources laboratory from 2002-2003 for his EMEC (Electro-Mechanical Design Engineering) masters design project. He worked with Robin Stapleton to design and build a custom EDM machine to be used in residual stress measurements of large aluminum ingots. He also conducted residual stress measurements on the ingots using a high speed orbiting drill. Sean graduated from UBC in 2003 with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering.

From 2004-2005, Sean worked for IMW Industries Ltd. on a development project for a new hydrogen compressor. He commissioned and operated test stands to evaluate new valves, pistons and sealing ring designs. He learned of this position at IMW and was introduced to the project manager (Mark Epp) from another graduate student within the Lab. From 2006-2007 he worked for Kodak Graphic Communication (formerly Creo) on a large design project team in the rapid development of a new output device that would increase the level of automation in the computer to plate (CTP) industry.

Recently, Sean accepted a new position with Jenmar Concepts Inc., a small mechanical engineering consulting firm. Jenmar provides services to a variety of companies from the natural gas and automotive industries to automation and industrial tool design.

Sean is currently applying for registration as a Professional Engineer and lives with his wife in Langley. He has maintained contact with the Dr. Schajer and occasionally gives a presentation to 2nd year mechanical engineering students on his work experiences since graduation. When not working, Sean enjoys the great outdoors of BC and likes to go kayaking, caving, and hiking.