Max Flowerday


M.Eng. Student

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: (604) 822-9036

Max is originally from Calgary Alberta. He completed his bachelor’s degree at Queen’s University in Kingston Ontario. During this program, he focused on renewable energy systems and mechanical design. After graduating and moving back to Calgary, he worked in pipeline systems design and planning.

Max eventually moved on from this career and started a downhill ski manufacturing company in Canmore Alberta (93 North Skis). Over a 2-year period Max and his Co-founder designed a manufacturing process and downhill skis tailored to the ski conditions present in the Rocky Mountains.

During his MENG degree at UBC, Max is upgrading skills related to technical product development so that he can continue to design and build products that he is passionate about.

As you may have guessed, Max enjoys downhill skiing in his free time and pretty much anything else that takes him outdoors.